Berlim Conference 2021 | IFEAT
Dear IFEAT Members, Dear Friends,
It is with a heavy heart that IFEAT has decided to postpone the Berlin Conference for one year due to the ongoing situation with regard to the COVID-19 outbreak. With the support of the venue hotel and our partners in Berlin, we are able to announce that the IFEAT Berlin Conference will now take place from 9th to 10th November 2021.
An IFEAT Conference gains success because of personal contacts, numerous meetings, great diversity and borderless networking – a Conference where, over five days, you can meet the “entire F&F world”. After very careful consideration and evaluation of all possible scenarios from data and information available, the Executive Committee has concluded that having the Berlin Conference in October 2020 as planned is no longer a viable or safe option.
IFEAT has always maintained a “safety first” policy for our members, guests, staff and partners and this is particularly vital at this time.
An IFEAT Conference requires barrier-free access. The pandemic may not develop in the same way throughout the world and by October 2020 some people may indeed be able to travel again – however, many could still be unable to make their journey to Berlin.
Last – but by no means least – for some of us it could be difficult getting back to “business as usual” by October 2020.
An IFEAT Conference would not be the same without ALL of you!
As much as we all hope the world will “return to normal” soon, at this point no one can be certain when that will be. The past few months have shown clearly that the virus and the course of the pandemic are both unpredictable.
Planning an IFEAT Conference requires a considerable lead time. Delegates need time to make travel arrangements, book accommodation and arrange meetings, and IFEAT needs time to arrange the Conference including the lecture programme, exhibition and social events.
IFEAT is committed to hold a Conference in Berlin, so we feel that we have no other option than to make the difficult decision at this time to postpone until 2021. A further delay or a short-term solution later in the year would have forced a cancellation.
We understand that our industry needs regular contact and exchange, particularly at this time, so we are considering alternative concepts to bridge the time between now and Berlin 2021.
In the meantime, let us stay in touch. We have several communication channels open to you, including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram (see below).
Please visit our website for our social media links and news – do let us know how you are dealing with and working through these difficult times.
Hoping to see you all safe and well at the IFEAT Berlin Conference in 2021.
Yours sincerely,
Hussein Fakhry, Chairman of IFEAT
Alastair Hitchen, President of IFEAT
Jens-Achim Protzen, Chairman of the Berlin Conference Committee
IFEAT Executive Committee
IFEAT Staff and Contractors